Please be advised that our office is closed on major holidays. If you contact us after normal business hours, you call might be returned on the next business day. If you have an emergency, please contact the national crisis hotline at 1-800-273-8255, 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.
Clients meet one-on-one with a therapist in a safe, caring, and confidential environment to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. Together they work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, improve their understanding of themselves and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired change.
Treatment is focused on restoring a better level of functioning in couples who experience relationship distress. The reasons for distress can include poor communication skills, incompatibility, or a broad spectrum of psychological disorders that include domestic violence, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.
The therapist works with family members identifying and treating family problems that cause dysfunction. Therapy focuses on improvement in specific areas of functioning for each member, including communication and problem-solving skills.
A therapist meets regularly with a small, carefully selected group of individuals to discuss a common problem. Unlike the simple two-person relationship between patient and therapist in individual therapy, group therapy offers multiple relationships to assist the individual in growth and problem solving.
Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment based on the relationship between an individual and a mental health professional. It provides a supportive environment that allows you to talk openly with someone who is objective, neutral and nonjudgmental. You and your therapist will work together to identify and change the thought and behavior patterns that are keeping you from feeling your best.